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Christian Strasser: A glimpse into his presidency and efforts to combat uninsured driving.

In this new episode of ‘ACA Voices #LĂ©gislatives2023,’ we bring you an exclusive interview with Christian Strasser, President of the ACA and CEO of LALUX Assurances. Joined by Sarah Hartmann, Legal Advisor at the ACA, Christian shares his vision and objectives for his second term as President in the first part.

👉 In the second part of the episode, they delve into a crucial issue for the industry: uninsured driving. With an average of 100 cases per year related to accidents caused by uninsured or unidentified vehicles, they shed light on the importance of implementing effective measures to tackle this problem. Furthermore, they provide concrete examples of solutions to address it.

L’ACA et le secteur luxembourgeois de la (ré)assurance attendent des futurs dirigeants politiques luxembourgeois qu’ils soient attentifs à différents enjeux et défis auxquels est confronté le secteur sur le plan local et sur le plan international. Concrètement, pour que le secteur conserve son attractivité et son dynamisme, et serve au mieux les intérêts sociaux du pays, l’ACA formule 9 revendications à l’attention des partis politiques, en vue des élections législatives d’octobre 2023.
