

ACA is a private professional association. It represents and defends the interests of the insurance and reinsurance sector in Luxembourg.

ACA is mainly structured around and managed by the following bodies : 

  • the Chairman, the Co-chairs and the Board of Directors;
  • the Bureau;
  • the Managing Director;
  • the Executive Committee.

ACA’s staff members ultimately implement the decisions of the Board of Directors.

Board of directors

The ACA Board of Directors is composed of appointed or elected directors in accordance with the statutes and as many alternate directors. They present themselves in pairs to keep track of the ACA files.


Administrateurs Suppléants

  • Vincent ARNAL

  • Sébastien BOUCKENOOGHE

  • Pascal BUGHIN


  • Nathan HARDMAN

  • Henri HOSTERT

  • Marie-Hélène MASSARD

  • Xaviez NEVEZ

  • William ROSE

  • Eve ROUX

  • Richard SUTTON

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • TBD

Bureau “ACA

The Bureau is composed of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and the Managing Director of ACA.
The Bureau carries out the missions and tasks delegated to it by the Board of Directors.

Statutory committees

ACA’s work is organised around 4 statutory commissions:

The four Statutory Committees, presided over by a Chairman and Vice-President elected in tandem, have the role

  • studying legal, fiscal, litigious, administrative, technical, commercial and financial issues relating to the domain of the activity concerned, in other words any matter that does not relate to companies’ commercial policies ;
  • informing their members of current issues that may have an impact on the sector ;
  • drawing up proposals/positions for the ACA Board of Directors.

ACA’s team

Operating rules

ACA is governed by a set of rules which the members commit to comply with when they join. These rules are embedded in the following documents:

Le fonctionnement de l’ACA est régit par plusieurs documents que les membres s’engagent à respecter lors de leur adhésion :

In addition to these documents, there are also :
The Rules of Procedure;
– The information note on data protection